Author: Gk Dunia


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1.Which company has signed MoU with India’s Tourism Minister to showcase heritage stays? [A] Makemytrip [B] Airbnb [C] GT Holidays [D] Expedia 42.Which institution launched the ‘Diet and Biomarkers Survey’? [A] FSSAI [B] NABARD [C] FCI [D] NIN 43.Which institution released the ‘Global Food Policy Report (GFPR) 2023’? [A] FAO [B] IFPRI [C] FSSAI [D] FCI 44.Which country co-hosted the ‘Ukraine Recovery conference’, along with Ukraine? [A] UK [B] USA [C] Germany [D] France 45.India is set to acquire the ‘Predator Drones’ from which country? [A] USA [B] UK [C] France [D] Israel 46.Defence Minister…

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1.Centre has sought an explanation from which state for diversion of PM POSHAN funds for State elections? [A] Uttar Pradesh [B] Karnataka [C] Goa [D] West Bengal 2.Compton-Belkovich is a volcanic complex on the far side of which celestial body? [A] Earth [B] Moon [C] Sun [D] Venus 3.The remains of ‘Wilson’s little Penguin’ have been discovered in which country? [A] India [B] China [C] New Zealand [D] Philippines 4.Which institution released the report titled ‘Twenty Years of Child Trafficking Data’? [A] IOM [B] NITI Aayog [C] UNDP [D] UNICEF 5.The University Grants Commission (UGC) removed…

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HometownRameswaram, Tamil Nadu, India Full Name Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam Date of Birth October 15, 1931 Father Jainulabdeen Marakayar Mother Ashiamma Known for His contribution as a scientist and as the President of India Marriage Unmarried Education Bachelor’s degree in Physics, Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering Religion Islam Nationality Indian Date of Death July 27, 2015 Place of Death Shillong, Meghalaya, India Quote Title Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s Quote Dream, Dream, Dream “Dream, dream, dream. Dreams transform into thoughts and thoughts result in action.” Wings of Fire “Don’t take rest after your first victory because if you…

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১. কোন ভিটামিনের অভাবে বেরিবেরি রোগ হয়? [A]ভিটামিন A [B]ভিটামিন B✔ [C]ভিটামিন D [D]ভিটামিন E ২.’মায়োপিয়া শরীরের কোন অঙ্গের রোগ? [A]হাড় [B]যকৃত [C]চোখ✔ [D]দাঁত ৩.‘টিউবারকুলোসিস’ (TB) শরীরের কোন্ অঙ্গের রোগ? [A]যকৃৎ [B]প্লীহা [C]পাকস্থলী [D]ফুসফুস✔ ৪. মহিলাদের বন্ধ্যাত্বের কারণ কোন ভিটামিনের অভাব? [A]ভিটামিন E ✔ [B]ভিটামিন D [C]ভিটামিন C [D]ভিটামিন B12 ৫. কোন রোগের ক্ষেত্রে ইনসুলিন’ প্রয়োগ করা হয় [A]ডায়বেটিস ✔ [B]বেরিবেরি [C]কলেরা [D]টিউবারকুলোসিস ৬. রক্তের লোহিত কণিকার স্বল্পতার জন্য কোন রোগ হয়? [A]মধুমেহ [B]রক্তাল্পতা✔ [C]ক্ষুধামান্দ্য [D]দৃষ্টিশক্তির স্বল্পতা ৭.’রিউমাটিজম’ রোগীদের নিম্নলিখিত কোনটি খেতে বারণ করা হয়? [A]প্রোটিন [B]স্নেহজাতীয় পদার্থ✔ [C]ভিটামিন [D]কার্বোহাইড্রেট ৮.ক্যাটারাক্ট শরীরের কোন প্রত্যঙ্গের রোগ? [A]যকৃৎ [B]নাক [C]চোখ✔ [D]পিত্ত ৯.কমলালেবু…

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Question: What is the principle underlying homeopathy? a) Law of Similarity b) Law of Opposites c) Law of Proportionality d) Law of Contradiction Answer: a) Law of Similarity Question: What is the term used to describe the extreme dilution of substances in homeopathic remedies? a) Concentration b) Infusion c) Potentization d) Extraction Answer: c) Potentization Question: Which of the following substances is commonly used to make the homeopathic remedy “Arnica”? a) Belladonna b) Chamomile c) Arnica montana plant d) Echinacea Answer: c) Arnica montana plant Question: What is the purpose of homeopathic provings? a) To determine the safety of a…

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পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সাধারণ জ্ঞান 🎯 পশ্চিমবঙ্গের আয়তন: ৮৮,৭৫২ বর্গ কিমি/ভারতের মােট আয়তনের ২.৭৭ শতাংশ আয়তনে ভারতের ১৪ তম রাজ্য 🎯 পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মােট জনসংখ্যা: ৯ কোটি ১৩ লক্ষ ৪৭ হাজার ৭৩৬ জন (২০১১) 🎯 জনবসতির ঘনত্বে রাজ্য হিসাবে পশ্চিমবঙ্গের স্থান: চতুর্থ 🎯 পশ্চিমবঙ্গের বনভূমির পরিমাণ: ১৩.৪ শতাংশ 🎯 পশ্চিমবঙ্গের শহরের সংখ্যা: ১৯৫ টি 🎯 পশ্চিমবঙ্গের গ্রামের সংখ্যা: ৩৮,৭০০ টি 🎯 পশ্চিমবঙ্গের সর্বাধিক জনবহুল জেলা: উত্তর ২৪ পরগণা 🎯 পশ্চিমবঙ্গের সর্বনিম্ন জনবহুল জেলা: দার্জিলিং 🎯 পশ্চিমবঙ্গের আয়তনের ক্ষুদ্রতম জেলা: কলকাতা (১৮৭.৩৩ বর্গকিমি) 🎯 পশ্চিমবঙ্গের আয়তনে বৃহত্তম জেলা: দক্ষিন ২৪ পরগনা 🎯 পশ্চিমবঙ্গের লােকসভার তফশিলি জাতির সংরক্ষিত আসন: ১০ 🎯 পশ্চিমবঙ্গের লােকসভায় তফশিলি উপজাতির সংরক্ষিত আসন: ২ 🎯 পশ্চিমবঙ্গের লােকসভার সাধারণের জন্য আসন সংখ্যা:…

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1.Which organization has adopted a resolution titled “Promoting a culture of peace and tolerance to safeguard religious sites”? [A] WHO [B] WTO [C] United Nations [D] WIPO 2.The government of which state has decided to establish India’s biggest multi-model logistics park? [A] Maharashtra [B] Tamil Nadu [C] West Bengal [D] Gujarat 3.‘Recover and revitalise education for the COVID-19 generation’ is the theme of which special day observed on January 24, 2021? [A] National Girl Child Day [B] International Education Day [C] International Children’s Day [D] World Day against Child Employment 4.What is AMPHEX – 21, that was…

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1.Veteran Leader Motilal Vora, who recently passed away, was the Chief Minister of which state? [A] Maharashtra [B] Gujarat [C] Madhya Pradesh [D] Bihar   2.Development Finance Corporation (DFC), which announced to invest USD 54 million in NIIF, is from which country? [A] Russia [B] France [C] United States [D] Germany 3.The MRSAM (Medium Range Surface to Air Missile), which was test-fired recently, was developed in association with which country? [A] Russia [B] Israel [C] United States [D] France 4.In which year, did the Consumer Protection Act come into effect? [A] 1972 [B] 1986 [C]…

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1.Researchers have discovered “tubarial glands”, in which part of the human body? [A] Throat [B] Liver [C] Lungs [D] Intestine 2.The Union cabinet has adopted the Panchayat Raj Act in which state/UT? [A] Assam [B] Sikkim [C] Jammu & Kashmir [D] Telangana 3.Which district has bagged top position in implementing Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)? [A] Mandi [B] Gandhinagar [C] Indore [D] Gwalior 4.India signed Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA) with which country? [A] Russia [B] France [C] United States [D] Brazil 5.Which regulator has instructed all financial institutions to implement waiver of interest…

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1.What is the total number of Export Promotion Councils (EPCs) in India? [A] 10 [B] 14 [C] 17 [D] 19 2.Which of the following language is an official language of Jammu & Kashmir? [A] Gojri [B] Pahari [C] Punjabi [D] Dogri 3.What is the theme of International Sign Languages Day – 2020? [A] Sign Languages are for everyone [B] Sign Languages for Communication [C] Making Sign Languages Mainstream [D] IT for Sign Languages 4.Under which Ministry, the National Handloom Development Programme (NHDP) for development of block level clusters across country is implemented? [A] Ministry of Textile [B]…

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